
After working in the field of education for 17 years, I understand how to support students in the areas of social skills, emotional regulation, academic interventions and positive behavioural supports. As a parent of 4 adult children I know what it can feel like at times to be stuck and unsure of the best next steps.

I am passionate about supporting individuals, families, and their children to develop necessary skills and tools that lead to a more resilient life. Resilience refers to how well one can bounce back when facing adversity and maintain a more positive outlook in the midst of stressful events.

In the early years skills are being developed which support a child's ability to learn, to know what it feels and looks like to be calm, to wait for a turn, to focus on a task, and to understand a friends need for help. Parents can help their children gain access to these skills.

A child's outbursts and challenging behaviour provides an opportunity to curiously consider what is being communicated. Through empathetic listening and collaborative problem-solving parents and their children work together to solve the problem and develop new skills.

By providing a collaborative consultation and coaching service I will lead you in your NExT STEPS through evidence-based practices.

Experience collaborative parenting Learning to be curious, collaboratively problem solving, and courageously practicing new skills
Learn Curiosity
Problem Solve
Practice New Skills